Event details

  • Monday | January 3, 2022 to Friday | January 21, 2022
  • 7:00 pm
  • 5502 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22151
  • 703-321-8446

We are fasting and praying intensely for 21 days. It’s our Daniel Fast. No carbohydrates, no meat, no dairy products, no fried food for 21 days. We break the fast with salad, vegetables, and/or fruits. Weeknight prayers at 7pm; Sunday at 10am.

The direction of the fast is as follows:

  1. Rekindle the fire of Spirit (be on fire for God, reignite our passion/zeal for God, return to our first love)
  2. Revive our bodies (keep our bodies health, preservation of life)
  3. Renew our lease for life (prolongation of life)
  4. Resuscitate dormant dreams and visions (purpose discover, purpose fulfillment, destiny fulfillment)
  5. Resurge in life (resurge=rise again, lifting up, all-round increase)